Most people assume they can stick a yard sign on a corner or telephone phone pole, but some communities don't allow those actions, and some communities actually require permit to post signs.
We decided to look up a few Wisconsin communities' yard sign restrictions and were surprised by what we saw. For example, Cedarburg does allow yard signs, but has specific requirements about where you can post them. According to the town of Cedarburg's web site:
"Yard sale signs are allowed provided that no person shall attach posters, notices or advertisements to utility poles, meter posts, or trees in or along any street right-of-way within the Town and that no person shall put up any notice upon property of another person without having first obtained the consent of the owner of such property. The maximum time limit for all yard sale or estate sale signs is three consecutive days and nine cumulative days in a one-year period. Such signs may not exceed 10 square feet in area."
The city of Kenosha does not require a permit for yard signs, but they do have similar restrictions as Cedarburg.
In Prairie du Sac, the city only allows you to put up signs on private property (neighbor's yard etc.) According to one of our site users, Amber Hulett, "if you put the sign on anything publicly owned, they drive by and take your sign without ever telling you."
So, check with your community and/or homeowner association's sign-posting requirements before you stick that sign in the ground or on a pole. And don't forget to pick them up when your sale ends!
Now we want to hear from you. If you know what your community restrictions are for posting yard sale signs, please share by clicking the comments link below. (NOTE: Feel free to use the Name and URL option . . . you don't need to enter an URL. You can just type in your name and leave the URL field blank.) Thanks for sharing and enjoy!